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5Relationships 37.

wanted to be, it's alright with me.

On the other hand, when I was in Paris, one of the officials connected with Marcel Duchamp paintings said, "You were the heroine of 'Jules et Jim!'"

I don't know and I really didn't care. And I'm happy for the German if she wants to be the heroine.

G: Well how long had the German been with him?

B: Oh, he saw her before he knew me. And he told me. I asked him something once, and in conversation he said he had this very passionate affair. And when I met her, she was a middle-aged woman, very plain looking.

G: But had she known Duchamp as well?

B: No. No.

G: Well Jules et Jim is the story of three young people who are great friends?

B: Well this was the case with us! You see, it was so wonderful because I would dream of Marcel. And there was no question that I was in love with him. And I would tell Roche' - lying in Roche's arms. And Roche' was a wonderful person. He would smile and laugh and say, "Oh, you're in love with