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5Relationships 39.

chocolate bars on the window still in his studio.

B: It's true. He always had chocolate on his window sill. And he was a bachelor - eating, I'm sure, very badly, the way I do.

G: Is that what started you on this habit of chocoalte?

B: No, not at all. I started with chocolate when I was seven years old, in the convent in Paris. Because at four o'clock every day; we had gouter (afternoon tea) - a french custom. ^[[gautic]] And they gave each student a nice piece of Monier's chocolate, and a piece of unbuttered french bread.

G: How long were you in this school?

B: One year. (RMJ:26-30)


B: I was taught when I was a little girl, everybody has one soul mate you see. Well it's not like that. One has innumerable soul mates if one can find them.

J: So, you don't think there is just one, there...