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5Relationships 40.

B: I don't think that there is just one person. I've met many people in my life. I've also had many great friendships of another kind with women, that were beautiful women. But where love is concerned, I happen to be attracted to men but my best friendships are with women. I admire women a great deal.

I know innumerable men that I think could have been very fascinating and wonderful to know. I think it is natural for the masculine-feminine forces to be together. Now, I don't know what this is about homosexuality. I don't know anything about it and I'm not sure anybody else does.

I know many homosexual people. I love them. They are wonderful people. Homosexuality, I'm not concerned with it. You see, they have the masculine-feminine forces and probably the way it works out, some women are born masculine, like Margaret Thatcher. That is, she probably isn't but she seems that way, because she's becoming a man in a man's world.

And some men have more feminine in them, they go that way I don't know. I think this whole question is a personal thing and one shouldn't bother about it. One's sexuality, now taking a public standpoint, it's a private thing. We are here on account of sex, otherwise we wouldn't be here. It's as simple as that.

BOB: When did you pass over from believing that there would be one soul mate, into this realization that we have more than