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5Relationships 42.

B: We may not even liked the guy, so what do you say? So, what can you say? What is an infatuation, where you touch heaven, where you feel close to God? What is it? Is it a real thing or is it a feeding of the age.

BOB: I was talking to Dedee on the way up here. Year ago I set up a list of questions to a psychic in New York. I included in my question about my health and my parents. The question about a couple of women. One particular woman who I was hanging around with, I was really in, I thought I was in love. I didn't mention [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] that on the tape, I just asked about this woman and his answer to that was, "Are you in love with this woman or are you in love with love?"
I understand what he meant by that and I didn't like the feeling I got, that he was saying, and maybe you have had this experience too, that I'm in love with the feeling of infatuation. I feel that feeling but I wasn't willing to go on into a commitment of a relationship.

B:  That may be the answer, that we are in love with the feeling of infatuation. I've had wonderful platonic friendships with men that have been wonderful.