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I conveyed your expressions of devotion et al. to the proper parties, by whom they were gratefully received and reciprocated. Home, James, at a reasonably early hour.

I shall be leaving Clei again about the middle of this week to wend my way to Atlanta, there to tell the Coco-Cola bottlers how to bott.  Meanwhile, since leaving N.Y., I have been to the U. of Iowa instructing the innocent minds in the art of ad-ing like an adder.  I go again at the end of next week.

Life is just one gadding after another; but some day I shall retire on a hundred a month or thereabouts & live on oatmeal & well-water.  Or mebbe I shall live in Cluria or Haiwai.  One can never tell. 

Be good & God will luff you.

Sue Macks