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6239 Hollymont Drive,
Hollywood, Calif.,
July 24, 1929.

Dearest Beatrice:

I received two airmail letters from Mavis today, one was a dissertation on Beatrice and was most ecstatic. Mavis is a pretty observing person, she says: "Beatrice is one extremely nice darling and I have fallen for her most heavily. I have never met anyone like her before and am just fascinated. She seems to me to have come out of the deva kingdom. I don't know whether you have noticed how she seems to change, personality, physical appearance, voice and even magnetism. It is most extraordinary and it is like meeting two or three people in one. I can quite see how some people do not understand her, for naturally if she did come over from the d.k. her views on life would be so different; the very human type of person would not understand; and I do think that under her ultra-modern exterior there is a very conservative Beatrice. I think she would be much more complete if she were married to the right person who would understand her and appreciate her wonderful childlike quality, and know exactly how to treat the different Beatrices." There, how's that for a short acquaintance?

Dearest, the photographs which Stanley took with his $200 camera (!) are enclosed. I cut two of them. The me in one and the you in the other were impossible. We both look like congenital idiots, so I painlessly amputated both of us and left the best of us present. I send on the negatives of you and Clayton, but keep here three to have some more prints made and will send them on later. The camera is a peach, too bad it is so huge. I see Stanley hanging onto it, because he adores good work.

He is laboriously trying to part with brushes. He works like two horses, but succeeds like a dumbell. He may improve, if not, we shall deduce that he is incurably not a salesman. The Tel. Co. have written him that there is no job at present, he still has one more man to see.

I have written L.W. asking him to let me know the very worst re finances. If he can do nothing next year or at present, I must KNOW it right away and plan accordingly. So, if the odd person can bring himself to put down on paper the gospel truth, I shall be enlightened, if not encouraged.

Dear, methinks you will not see Grover before Congress. I have not heard from him, but have a hunch. 

Transcription Notes:
. [[underlined]] removed per Smithsonian instructions