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July 27th 1929

My darling Beatrice:

Your two air mail letters about a LONESOME Bea came -- one today & and one day before yesterday. The Cartoons sent me into spasms, but never the less I almost wept, too. Poor, darling Beatrice. Has Hqrs. no heart? And very little head, too? Just make sure the place on their program is specified and printed, otherwise a Forever or something or other is liable to run over its time & Kay will say, at the last moment "Sorry, but we will have to forgo the pleasure of having your play -- it has been crowded out!" Just make sure no such untoward event occurs.

My dear— I do wish you were here, both in [[?]] apt. or any where nearby. I miss you. You are having the Devil's own time & there seems to be nothing I can do about it — except love you hard, which I do at all times. Your cartoons (in green!) are priceless. You are a genius even if unhappy, weepy, deserted, etc.!

Transcription Notes:
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