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a half tone reproduction (1/2 tones owned by Willard Gallery)

The medallions are at the Willard Gallery 32 E 57 St NYC and will have to be sent up. There are also some drawings of the series. I have 20 or more pieces abstract sculpture here. Anything you can use - is available.

Partly it depends upon time, you diden't mention any date, or proposed date.

We both will be pleased to show if we can assemble in time.

Dorothy asks me to thank you and to say that she will be pleased to show but some of her pictures are out and it will be about the middle of June before the last group will be back from San Francisco.  Some are gouache and some egg tempera all are small and about the size you have now. How many do you want from her and what can you use from me

With best regards and thanks
David Smith