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My copies- originals in folder  D.D.

Post cards written by David Smith to Dorothy Dehner Smith during her trip to California in 1944

May 16, 1944.

Dear Cookie, First day youre gone - your past Chicago now - trees didnt come, will work Tues [[Tuesday]] and call at night - worked at marble works with Freeman till 9 P.M. right after work. Will see about getting motor for my compressor tomorrow night. My marble came, it is fine 990 lbs in the two pieces wrote post office etc. anxious to get my own compressor fixed for summer - Hope trip was easy and food good-

Love D.S.

May 17, 1944.

Just got your letter from Elkart - will take tip about train - trees came worked Mon and Tues - Marble came too looks fine am in Bolton Wed. and working on trees. Will get everything in and leave for New York about Friday morning - trees look good poplars are rather weedy looking but very alive Chinese elm seems quite big - apples about same as before - maybe a bit better than the pears and cherries from Kelly - Got a letter from Phil sending a Cincinnati letter on to you from "The Vincent"/ We just got invitation to special preview at the Met to meet her Royal Highness Princes Julianna from the Netherlands Foundation for occasion re-opening painting Galleries  More later many love D.S.

Thursday night for Friday

Got it all in - hauled in top soil for trees - a barrel of water - fertilizer etc. pruned and general finesses If they dont come Ive done all I can - also sulpher sprayed for san Jose scale leaf curl etc. planted asparagus and 26 poplars mowed lawn and kept on ball til 6:30 then had supper and start to pack. Have to get laundry so cant get early train. Will get stuff at G.& V. and then drive Albany take any train I can get Havnt heard from Marian so am not sure bout Dan's apt. Mowed your lawn want to keep things in shape Peonies up 8 - I2 inches everything fine but radio says light frost tonight in low places with temps at 33 in area. "ill get shoe bag at Sears should have done this before. Found a pretty green stone and two copper pennies in garden One big 1828 and one little on 1904 Save them for you much lovo Poppo

May 2I

News - Dan has divorce and he and Marian will be married this summer sometime - This came from Dan I had lunch with Marian and she didnt mention anything. I thot that situation was chummy but I didnt know business from pleasure. (I guess its Dan' right to tell me - Long Island ethics) Was up to Dans place, bot 2 French pastries at them read P.M. - laid down for two hrs(presumably) went to sleep didnt wake up till I:30 A.M. Had planned to go to Village look up Mish or somebody at Jumble Shop maybe see old gang. So that was Saturday night for me in the city - I did dress and go out and about all I could find to eat was hot dog and soda bot Times came home read art page went to bed got up this morning and am on 8th St eating good breakfast. Report of the Sunday situation to be filed when its past hitory,news about Dan and Marian Eh All love, D.S.

Transcription Notes:
spelling errors are cannon