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My copy - originals in folder DD

May 22, I944

In Wash Park ran into Byron Brown wife and kid - Hertzel Emanuel with same Jean Liberte with same, Max Schnitzler Job Goodman Cranzo Gaspero Ernie Gutman and lots more - Phil Resiman etc. We were on the North East corner benches for hours - had coffee after - like old times - went dinner with Misha, Genevieve in Kaiser shipyard doing photo job (Oregon) We went around after to Georges and all over including new place Peid Piper where J P Johnson plays piano he played for hours for us. New plave nobody there much. Leave it to Mish to know the dope. Max Kaminski's band there also. Johnson taught Fats Waller - Cafe Society boys came over to watch. Stayed at Mishas now Millie's turn we are at lunch.

May 29, I944

Dearest Cookie

Am on my way back now leaving Ft. Wayne this afternoon. Sinday was quiet. We went to the country Frosty Leigh and I shot mark w ith Dad's Luger and Grandpa's old Colt. Leigh went swimming and we ate. The Art Gallery I saw advertised was Deck and Flynn, I2I5 Alta Loma Rd Los Angeles. Have good time with Flo out- buy yourself some stuff and Ill meet you when the time comes. Will see Marian and Dan and be on my way as soon as possible - Really anxious to get back finish off at Alco and get to my sculpture. Lawn needs moweing by this time - Love to you mucho D.S.

May 3I, I944

Cher tomatoe - this is something I didnt anticipate - arriving on a holiday - Decoration Day Im not even sure of any of the museums are open I dont particularly want to go to Marians for one day and I dont want to go round in my heavy clothes - its so hot I should have my summer suits- Just got in near noon but I will try museums etc. Modern was closed till [[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Wed. last week. Rather uneventful time in Paulding. Will get home as soon as I can Didnt get much sleep on train last night too many jerks and stops guess we got in late. Must call Millie today and Lou before I go -Will advise you tonight or tomorrow about Millie and things in general Love D.S

[[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] June 2, I944

Dear Cookie- Your toilet case is sure handy I couldnt get along without it. ( Ive thot the Hatch thing over and I still dont resent what I said)  He runs a little loose the more rope he gets. Maybe he thinks I am ungrateful for all he has done etc. I take just so much. Got up at 5 drove Saratoga and came from there with another guy - to save gas - to save gas and wear. Im staying here tonight and tomorrow Saturday I will go to the farm - maybe I can get the ploughing done - I will have your pictures off Monday as I explained in Air Mail letter. Sent from Saratoga this morning maybe go to movie tonight, if not out to see Freeman or Aggie. We are having a warm spell. Want to get tomato plants at G.F. on my way home saw Dr. Rubenstein got some new anti allergy stuff to take internally Have fun and Ill see you later - many loves David

June 3 I944
Dear Cookie Nothing in nesw today got stop Glen Falls get plants - try get Herbie for tomorrow - and get the planting over. Oh boy how your grass grows cooler today and quite nice be happy Best to Flo David

Transcription Notes:
spelling errors are cannon