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My copy - originals in folder D.D
written from Schueetoday was Time

June 6 I944

Dear Baby....Marietta stopped to borrow Mrs. Sprats alarm clock I walked back to dorm with her She and baby live at faculty dorm for summer session Bob and Tony at home/. Bob had nervouse breakdown or fatigue drop. Went to Albany sent your four pictures express prepaid # 69-6I7 insured $400 June 5 from Albany Paid Bob Clark $3 for picture photos since you have Roman Empire I didnt send photos. idnt see Hatch- Have managed to get laid off end of week which is better all around a layoff was planned - sent your pig - Roman Empire and hand - cashed out of Albany with ease Love to you David 

June I0, I944 Saratoga - Saturday 7 PM

Dearest Cookie Today my last, will be going back Tuesday but only to vote for Tony Barbieri for President Local 2054 May attend details of checking out see Bache about acct balance and get a couple of bonds like we got before get balance at bank etc. If Freeman is working at shop may work few days on marble as I must wait for motor to be fixed on mine - That is the news Cookie, except I got dishes at home and upset house. On way to country now Much love D.S.

June I0, I944 Dal Hatfield Ambassador Hotel

Dear Dot- Was with Ray and met a portrait painter named 'Kitchen' (English doing a bank pres. comm. in Saratoga) he says the above is the only gallery in L.A. tomorrow Saturday is my last day at Alco will write good letter from home - but this is all news to dateHave fun and love from D.S. 

June I2 I944 Going down to get your mail on noon delivery 

Dear Dopie After I went to mail your letter last night I stopped for a Coke Saw Helen Taylor and Sam - Helens sister and brother in law are in Beverly Hills. She wants you to look them up- I thing youve met them. He ran the Fenimore one year anyhow she asked me to tell you. Toodles is also near them and over at their house every night. The name is Robert Boswick 347 N. Palm Drive Beverly Hills Toodles is on the corner near them Love from me again D.S.

June I4, I944

Dear Cookie I think I write you a note from your old home town Im on my way to Troy to see laout machinery bot few things at Walace Armers but will go to Troy and Watervliet to see about drill press etc. Tony Barbieri was elected as far as we can tell -ballots havnt all been counted record vote of all times 2I64 votes - bigger than G.E. record Saw Malco, on his way home last night passed him this morning on way to work also. Had hair cut at old place - eating Sundae at Psot Office drugstore next floor and am on way out Grand Blvd. Got 2 bonds as stated in letter before bonds took sav.Bond from here to Bolton so all will be together. Will give details later. Will go to Saratoga & work with Freeman on marble- he is working in the shop this week till Friday 
Love D.S. 

June I5, I944 Maybe go to movies if its any good..just finished cleaning uup and eating now...8 PM

Dear Mrs.Terminal Iron Works -- Went over to Tony's house played two games chess drank 2 Scotch and ate potatoe chips last night. His wife is real nice. Subscribes to P.M. & New Republic I noticed that. I know he has good friends. He told methere were about I2 in our union but they remain rather anonymous. The old rose scare was tossed him by Spec among others but it blew over quickly. Worked at marble works and lopped off quite a bit today. Had the machine going till 6 PMFreeman went to Lake George fishing I was alone. Will work as long xx this week as Freeman keeps the shop open. Tonys whole ticket won. Havnt got any any mail since Monday Havnt been home. Have fun and paint good Baby, 
Love D.S.