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June 20, I944

Dear Cookie Quiet day at home - hoed potatoes & corn, cooked veal stew- picked wild strawberries & had with cream- read Heral Tribune and worked on my compressor taking it apart and spray painting it. Grass is high Ill try get it mowed. Probably get Howard. The Greek boy from the shop called today was on a family trip from Saratoga. I rode with him when I was working. Just finished working in shop now I0:30 PM and am starting supper. Got book what makes Sammy Run will read tonight. Not much news will only give you a vard. Letter tomorrow which you will get before this. Strawberries good this year. Blue berries not so good Love good, D.S.

June 2I, 1944 Thats all news since I left Bolton will be back tomorrow night 

Dear Cookie - The portrait painter I told you about has line up Monty Wooley so Bob Barron tells me. They want me over to supper, Bob Barron, but Ive given excuses. Bob Davidson seems in a bad way, nerves, but he has six months leave and is to go to Colorado Springs for that period. He was around today but I missed him. I dont known what he will do there - but Im  sure not teach. Love 2 U D.S.

June 22, I944 Hope your painting is in fine fettle

Dear Cookie - Ive been in Saratoga 2 to 4 days a week - I had only a profile drawing to work from and as the others it was sufficient - and I preferred it that way - but the slowness of mass removal f [[strikethrough]] o [[/striketrhough]] ixed me up somehow and now Ill have to reconceive and approach from different concept. Its OK [[strikethrough]] xxx [[/strikethrough]] it takes time to move from Locomotives to aesthetics Ill go fast when I get my stride but it is upsetting when it doesnt pan. Love DS

June 24, I944

Dear Cookie- Just got your big Gallery letter but will write you air mail tomorrow which will reach you before this - and then I'll answer everything. Got few bottles wine (good NY state kind) for when you come home still. Your gallery conncetions sound good. You see some of them are with us. Your OK kid Got copy letter SS&D today relative transfer also card from Millie which I will answer & send to you Big rain today D.S.

June 26, I944 Got studio cleaned up - fair condition all over now.

Dear Dot

Went with Hugh yesterday to the Epssc church and he played Bach and other stuff. Hugh has matured much with one year. I thing of Ray in comparison. If Hugh continues he should top amazingly fast. Sent your three photos Parcel post Didnt know whether you were sending direct to San Fransisco or not. Am still fighting for control of the esthetics. Love D.S. 

June 28, I944

Dear Deh- 
Sent your photos of Roman Enpire last night you almost had sheep Bernice A & Gloria went with me to Trout Lake to get them but we couldnt get both at once without some grain. I will get chains and haym straps in Glens Falls and then get them Sunday Hot dog everything OK anxious see the new sheep mother. One has a cute lamb. Ioull love them D.S.