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June 29, I944  About 18 of the 25 lombardy poplars have come out OK

Dear Cookie

The buckwheat I planted when you were [[strikethrough]] away [[/strikethrough]] here is in bloom. The buckwheat & potatoes in the big field are up, so is lima beans. Tomatoes coming good. Your weigelia is still blooming and the white peony had dozens of big flowers with dozens of buds still to bloom. Never got door put back on  out by the barn have got to fix woodshed screen first. Got 2 qts Overholt from Barney. One for Dan one for us. Your tea rose has two nice buds. Well rather low - but quite bit of rain recently. Your birds are still here but look for you. Love D.S.

June 30, I944

Dear Cookie

Mary Neuman thanks you for the stockings I got 2 pair at Fowlers. Dont remember the name but the saleslady recommended them Mojab or something like that. Got hay cut and in the barn- around the house I mean everything growing. Dont think the peonies will wait for you. Little cherry tree has couple dozen ripe cherries. Putting hay around tomatoes. Cukes limas all up now. Just cleaned house. Got to get shop in condition now for work. Will probably go Saratoga bring back marble get pig from Wolf and some supplies in G.F. and couple of books etc. but not till Monday. This is Friday.. Love DS

June 8, I944

Thursday... no news two more days and Ill go up. Ray is going (&Bob) to New York Sunday to try commercial art rackey. Im sure he can make it - he is very facile. Intend to get 2 bonds like before in this 5 drive  Best to Flo, etc.
Love DS

Transcription Notes:
spelling errors are cannon