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May 17 44

Dear Baby

Got all the fruit trees in, as well as the Chinese elm. It looks rather like a poplar but I hope that with maturity it turns out better. Had a time getting BI for planting as few places seem to have it except 5 &10 and regular seed stores, which were all closed in Glans Falls when I came through and Bolton had little in that line.. I watered everything as well as the ones I put in lanst week.

Tomorrow I will put in the poplars, grapes and horseradish and asparagus. Friday I hope to go to New York, and later to Ohio. Want to see the shows -see about tools etc.

Everything has boomed - trees all out now- lilacs full budded, and the lawn looks as tho it wasnt mowed a week ago. Sure got a big day ahead. I put in 10 apples today - cooked and washed my dishes, will turn ice box off before I go. The grass is growing so big we need some sheep.

Will write to Edgar tonight too.
Went to village tonight saw Goo.Reis. I told him you got to California today.

I would suggest that you get Pullman all the way thru on your return since I dont want you to have all that inconvenience as it sounded quite difficult.

Had a letter from Phil today. He said that my paste up letter with the Gilbert [[crossed-out]] and Sullivan [[/crossed-out]] Island bell was sent direct to him and not V mail. He said thier natives are quite small and that the British hire them for work at $1.60 a month but the natives got on that they could make more selling souvenirs etc. They catch on quick and are fans for American cigarettes.

Well baby I go to bed and hope or rather know you will have a good sleep tonight since it is Wednesday and you have arrived by now. With all my love and more