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Sunday '44

My copy - etc

Dearest Chicken little

Just came in from the garden, thot I would turn on Charlie Mc Carthy but it was 9 PM. Light is long now.

Got in 16 tomatoe plants, 12 peppers another row corn, 2 rows beans I row green beans, beets radishes, lettuce spinach carrots parsley cukes squash

Cooking supper now pork chop corn peas

Got pack pictures, get radio ready for return (little old one) get fishing tackle ready (going Tues.night with Freeman to Scanalndaga resevoir for wall eyad pike) pack bag for the week etc.

Up at 5 to get to work, cook breakfast pack lunch-

Trees all seem to come but one

I got three letters in the box Saturday. You sure run around L@.A. I sent you a name advertised by full page in Art News, It was Decker and F ynn I2 I5 Alta Loma Rd, Los Angeles.

Bee and Rita have their new store teeth. Bee's cost $II0 Bee looks good. Rita has a queer hold of upper lip as if they were going to fall out

Went to Bolton Lights about 10 last night - talked to Eve at the barmost of the time. he was telling me about her and Carl - she's on the even side a little better now. She goes out too and doesnt wait for him.

Had Howard plow for me - didnt have time to chase Herbie. Howard is OK.

The new radio is swell - more super than the other - I came out even on the deal. Dont consider I lost

The house is upset but it will get fixed next week when I get here for good.

Got a card from Edgar hes ready to be sent to Nebraska. "ill let me know new address. Got letter from Lou too.

Well chicken I ate supper read the Times a little and here is is 10:20 and Ive got lots to do.

I think of you - your sweet little aura floats all over - I love you - you are a great part of me - keep yourself strong and happy and come back to me.
Love David

Got your chair - cover looks fine - fits swell cost $5
Didnt buy shirts in N.Y. maybe Glens Falls later -