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June 20, 44

My copy - original in folder D.D. 

Dearest Cookie

Im sending a letter which I got from Lou for both of us. Its got news. 

So far Ive been unsuccessful in getting amotor for my compressor I may have to make a trip to Albany.

Ive had a hard time with my marble been working at it at the marble works but Ive not been able to bring the conception around. I dont know whether its the distractions or my time away from work. I pay I.50 every night for room and food costs quite a bit. Other night went in place recommended - and it cost me I40 just for meat pot pie coffee and eating out is fair high without money coming in - I feel I have to work like hell but so far I havent got the marble coming I will in time bit I'd rather have it home and quiet.

Ray came back sat a while last night at Maraneses (spagetti) and had couple beers with Ray and 2 of his girls. Had gone down for soup and spagetti and ran into them. The one posed for me once so I knew her. Nice sensible kid the one I think he told us about but Ray is so damned kittenish I dont think he knows when he has a good thing. Ray got him he could make I00 or more a week. He is quite set up From the tales he told, he is quite naive in the big city. Bob and he went down together Bob had nervous breakdown after two days and had to come home. They are sure 2 of a nervous kind now. Bob is going to Colorado Springs - he has a 6 mo. leave [[strikethrough]] xxxxxxxxxxx [[/strikethrough]] and some sort of a connection out there. He wont teach however. He was around but I missed him. Its been raining so much no hay has been cut. Ive tried to get Howard to mow the barnyard. 

My G. Motors move wasnt so hot. I made two points but if I had held could get 5 or 6 points now. Anyhow the money is now in 2 I/2 % Treasury bonds and we didnt lose so any gain is good I guess. 

Goodbye little chicken - keep your feathers up

Love from the tool
