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Tuesday July 9 46-47?

Dear Dottie

I suppose you had your first day at the grind. I hope you are getting along OK. It will be worth it kid  stick it out.

Its hot and sultry just before a storm. Made big pot chili and will eat that tonight also.

Hope the heat of the city doesnt get you. Take it easy - have fun and eat well. Planted row kol rabi in the field. Got my new lights up, the shop is wonderful. I notice my old bulbs are yellowish and lower than the new ones. So yours at the house is probably low too. Will get you a new one.

If you can get a real good cravenette top - raincoat - buy it. I just looked at your old one and it isnt so hot they didnt waterproof it this time. Get a new greenish grey tight woven gabardine, wool if you can. A present from me dottie for your Xmas or anniversary or something. Look at usseks, De Pina etc.

Love and kisses