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Io West 9 Street, Saturday

Dear Leon,
Some of Willies shirts will be mailed to you on Monday; I do hope you can wear them and if so I shall forward some more. These were made at Wanamakers and were not a success. The cuffs are so small you have to do the cuff buttons after the shirt is on. They promised to send the extra cuffs larger but havent done so. I must get after them. 
We came home Thursday but I am not broadcasting that I am here as I do not want to be asked out and shall be busy over the memorial. You can imagine what this summer has been to me. I do not know why I am not dead of grief. Only monkeys and dogs seem able to pull that off. By the way, we nearly lost Imp. He has been very sick indeed. It began with mourning and upset digestion and then all sorts of ailments assailed him. He was three weeks in a very nice hospital and is as thin as a shad but mending. It made Lenna so sad to think of his suffering for Willie so that we dont speak of it as the cause to her.
The Prendergasts spent a week with us in Conway and it did me a lot of good. They enjoyed the simple life.
You probably know Guy DuBois was operated for thyroid a couple of days ago.; he is doing even better than expected. Mahonri Young has been five week