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Glackens, Edith
Io West 9 Street November 15
Dear Leon,
This is confidential. There is a canvas of Willies of a woman with a baby on her lap that I want to have in the show. Guy DuBois does not like pictures of infants so just waved his arm at this one and remarked "Not that." Mrs Force likes it and so does Mr Moore. I am sure you will agree with me that it is as fine as any of that period. Please do not quote me but use your influence to have it. I said the same to you that I said to Guy about not having unfinished work at the Memorial and you took it sweetly and maybe I am mistaken bu but I feel Guy resented it. He said something about that if his name was connected with the show* he would want it to be... etc. I dont think he need worry. It is unthinkable that there should be the ghost of unpleasantness connected with anything of our beloved William. I am not happy altogether, however. 
I should like to see you.
Much love to Viette. Mum is the word.
Edith D.G.
*I hope it wont be and I don't see why any mans should be. .I hope the cities wont write pages to prove he isnt a copyist of Renoir.
After all, this is Glaekeus Show.