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Red Lodge
Conway Center New Hampshire
July 4

Dearest Mary
We reached here Saturday and you may [[strikethrough]] expect [[/strikethrough]] look for Ira and Lenna to call for you on Sunday July 10th. They expect to get to you between eleven and twelve o'clock. Please do not make any arrangements for lunch - that can be decided later.

Our shack here is really an awful dump full of golden oak.   Each time we 

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come back (ever since we left for good to go to France) we wonder how we could have loved it and been comfortable here.  The golden oak seems to have multiplied after each [[strikethrough]] time [[/strikethrough]] absence. But if weather is good the outside is glorious and when we get books around and our belongings it takes on a bearable atmosphere. In a month more you wouldn't know the place.   So please do not expect a charming house for it is not. as yet.
It has been even harder than I feared to come back to the county that Willie loved. Everything from his fishing rod rack in the corner to the lake itself speaks of him.
All my bravery has wilted.