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Poem for Mr John Gellatlys Flying Dutchman. By the painter thereof
Albert P Ryder.
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Who hath seen the Phantom Ship,
Her lordly rise and lowly dip,
Careering o'er the lonesome main
No port shall know her keel again.

But how about that hapless soul
Doomed forever on that ship to roll,
Both grief claim her despairing own
And reason hath it ever flown
Or in the loneliness around
Is a sort of joy found
And one wild ecstasy into another flow
As onward that fateful ship doth go.

But no, Hark! Help! Help Vanderdecken cries,
Help! Help, on the ship it flies;
Ah, woe is in that [[strikethrough]] fanciful [[/strikethrough]] awful sight,
The sailor finds there eternal night,
'Neath the waters he shall ever sleep
And ocean [[strikethrough]] shall [[/strikethrough]] will the secret keep.