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[[heart sticker]]

Friday, May 8, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y. -- You came here and we had champagne with Hal "to celebrate the article" and you and Hal exchanged 15 minute reports on architecture and baseball and you each wished you had made better use of your time. And I loved the way you did it and I loved you and it was very good but difficult discipline not kissinging eachother. And then we went to the Westbury--and established another "home" and you did open your arms wide for me and then we made love and had some drinks and talked a little about divorce and more about architecture and I began to straighten out what was going on at Eero Saarinen & Associates and began to get some sense of the people in the office. Then we went back to the ex-Elbow Room, which was nice because we knew we were going to return to the Westbury. I had to get up early and sneak out and you looked so very dear and very "little boy" still sleepy in your bed.

Saturday, May 9, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y.-- I did my maternal duties and then I came to meet you and we were going to go out for breakfast, but instead we made love. And then we went downstairs and had eggs benedicts and talked about the problem of my children. There will still c-of-c's, but somehow we were already facing very real problems.

And then you came back here briefly and we talked some more and you drew me very splendid pictures of the University of Michigan campus and made very clear what the highways were doing there and also described the romantic site so that when I finally saw it, I felt as if I had been there already. Then you left to go to the Christ-Janer cocktail party and dinner. I ate with Hal and then went to the Westbury and ordered drinks for us (and was petrified when I signed Saarinen that perhaps we were registered as Knolls) and put on a robe and began to read Rodolphe Schwarz but couldn't understand all of it. It was a wonderful feeling, waiting for you to come home for the first time I knew how marvellous it would be and how meaningful and rewarding for me always to be there waiting for you, trying to make whatever home it was as inviting as possible, as much a place where you would want to be to relax in and to work in.

And then you did appear. And you were disgruntled but you made such a fine story out of the party and the difficulties that you sort of talked yourself out of being upset. And it was fun to share it with you and to know that while it was going on you were storing up these things and these annoyances to tell me. And then we made love and that was radiantly wonderful and then we had the silly conversation about what parts of whom you would take to make a perfect woman and I told you that [[strikethrough]] I was damned g [[/strikethrough]] there was atleast one part of me you'd better take. And we weren't very good about "beating it" because there were lots of more "goodnights". And then I had to leave early again...

Sunday, May 10, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y.-- But you came for breakfast with Hal and me on the little terrace and wouldn't tell me what kind of eggs you wanted so I had to invent them and that was a nice breakfast. Then Hal went off and we had whiskey sours --which he had engineered in the Waring mixer--and we went inside and that was the first time in my double-bed. And I likedthat terribly much, because it seemed even more like belonging to eachother in a married way. And then we had lunch and you drew me plans of the Vaughn House and of how the house might be changed for us and all our four children. Then I took off the rubber-bands and got dressed in the navy blue dress you like and we waited for the Knolls. Shu came and I was mean about Edgar. Then Hans and we sat on the terrace and had smoked oysters which you don't like, but I didn't know, and talked with them and you went off and confessed to Hans and that pleased me very much. And it was fun sort of entertaining together. Then Hans helped us make a get-away and we went to the Museum sculpture garden and you made wonderfully pertinent comments and it was so nice again to look at things with you and seemed a foretaste of many such experiences to come--here and in Europe and in Asia. 

And then there was just a little while at the Westbury again. Time to lie in eachother's arms and to know we loved eachother very, very much.