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art space

Janice Lowry

The decisions I make concerning formal issues, materials, 
and the choice of objects are always made to reinforce the
content in my work. The following discussion focuses on
some of the images and objects which appear repeatedly in 
my work, and which form a constellation of symbols.

Fish Image
The fish symbolizes my relationship with my husband. His
nature is fish-like- calm, elusive. Through the use of 
the fish and fish-related objects (ie: hooks, fishing
poles...), I use events, impressions, and experiences to 
make a visual record of our relationship. The fish also 
contains a spiritual reference (Christian symbology).
This connection takes the specific relationship and makes
it more universal. The work speaks about the joys and
fears of being involved in a committed relationship. 

House Image
In my work, the house takes on different meanings. It
represents all that it contains: relationships, pets,
maintenance... As such, the house can be seen as protection
or confinement. It can also become a shrine, a temple, 
or a metaphor for a person. 

Numbers and measurements are very specific, yet ambiguous 
and abstract (ten what?). The number ten reappears in my
work in the form of the numeral ten, or as the difference 
between two numbers (ie: 27 & 37). It signifies the age
difference between my husband and me, and refers to our
relationship at various points in time.

Dress Patterns
Dress patterns relate to the human figure. They have
autobiographical references. I sew, and sewing is a 
typically feminine endeavor. The diagramatic quality of 
the patterns is also significant in terms of taking things
apart and piecing them together.

10550 SANTA MONICA BLVD. LOS ANGELES CA. 90025 (213)474-9813