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art space

Room 3

"Trouble in Paradise" is about a person in a house going into a psychotic break- finding familiar objects turning, twisting, reflecting.

"Two Stories" is about two animals that are hunted- the fish and the deer. Both are vulnerable in our society. You look through the lens to see fishermen, and beyond, again. As the viewer looks through the lens, the antlers surround the head in a dangerous position. The lens almost becomes a gun sight- scoping in for the prey. Both stories (animals), are set within a house- a metaphorical container for the self.

"This Is Not My Beautiful House" is about a man coming home seeing his dogs, furniture, plants and wife, and asking himself how did this happen? - and leaving, walking out into space

-Janice Lowry

10550 SANTA MONICA BLVD. LOS ANGELES CA. 90025 (213)474-9813