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Post Marks

January 30 2006 [[stamp]] 5c U.S. postage

I met Paulette at the Cyrpress College swap meet. I almost walked by her. I was looking for broken fence parts, doll heads and pieces of clocks. I hunt for junk. A history of someone else's past.
Paulette spot of history was on top of a table. A box of letters un-orangized addressed to Janice. I stopped and touched the letters. The new owner said, "they were a dollar a piece, people collect them for the stamps and I have already sold three this morning."
Collected for the stamps! The letters were dated from 1963 to 1968. Cancelled stamps from that time are almost worthless. The envelopes were decorated with drawings of the Beatles, cartoons and doodles of flowers. Letters were folded creatively, mailed with out an envelope using different colored inks. I made a quick count- 200 letters at $1.00 a piece. My attention moved to the next table.
Several hours later walking through the cornfield of discards my Frida Kahlo tote was full. My husband had to take the bag and became my swap meet sherpa. On the way