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The art world has changed quite a bit in the last few years as far as representation of our work in the so called "mainstream". There are more and more galleries showing works by artists like Charles Alson, Lois Jones, Elizabeth Cattlett, Palmer Hayden, Charles White and artists that weren't known or shown 5 years ago, and they're commanding good prices which are going up all along. A white owned gallery, Michael Rsenfeld held a show for roughly 5 months on 57th street of those artists ending up with me. (I'm on the cusp between you old guys and those children out there), Bill Hodes, and African American is opening up a gallery at 24 west 57th street next month, and he just bought a Carles Alston from me for the show, will have several of the "oldies but goodies" in his opening show, including me. Now see Reggie if you were here you'd be in those too. Don't let me raz you into a frenzy, I know you did your time here and I'm your best fan hoping you get a chance to show a bid body of your work because in spite of your personality (remember your being so drunk with Earl Miller at the Institute of Arts and Letters when I first met you), you're deserving: Well now that I've disturbed your serinity, I'll close for now, but like I said I hope you're getting some work done and hope to see you here or there. Sincerely, Benny