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Maybe it's progress to be able to say it's mostly raceless in it's whatever.Up until recently certain art was out,y'know painting on canvas,beauty,things about minorities,(except by minorities for minority occasions),well now the artist him/herself can be out of style.The latest physical style artist can carry his or her works to success:
 The artists that's in the Whitney show,and it's only a micro-cosim of the in art shows overall,are fashionable people.
 Of course I feel like an old poker player sitting at the table just anting up and folding my hands as the new hotshots at the table ride a hot streak.While no one listens to me,I'm saying under my breath,as they rake in pot after pot,"one of these days the good cards are going to turn up in other hands and like so many before you,your place will[[downward arrow]BE] standing on the sidelines remembering when you had your 15 minutes of fame".
 So Reggie,keep knowing"whento hold em and when to fold em",because someday,the good cards are going to come your way.
 Anyway,that's why I included the catalogue of my father,hey he's 83,and getting attention like it's going out of style.The Associated Press picked up a picture of "The Dot Man" and it was published all around the country.People are besieging him.Luckily I own all of his works,so it's not being scattered about,but "Hey if you hang around long enough,who knows?"
 Now all that I've said above probably rolls off you like water off oil,because out there in that beautiful country with all those beautiful people you'll read this and ask,"hey why should I worry with my Vodka Collins,the sunset,the old prarie dog howling,and Johnny out in the ever growing lush garden trying to keep up with the harvesting, this is obviously heaven on earth."
 "Free at last,Great God Almighty,free at last:
[B signature]