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130 West 26th Street
New York, New York 10001
February 1, 1995

Dear Reggie,
Well I've been intending to disturb your living in Nivanna for some time now.In fact I've accumulated quite a few newspaper clippings that I think you'd like,and they're included.As you can see from the other things I've enclosed I'm still doing battle with the Devils in the path of our becoming famous artists.Which brings me to talk about the recent exhibition of "The Black Male" at the Whitney Museum of American (sic) Art. It really stirred up a HOrnet's nest of debate and scorn. It has been like living in 2 worlds of opinion here,artists of all stripes have condemmed it,politicans,and other naive people don't seem to get it's narrowness,and,very important it's perpetuating sterotypes. I don't think it's going to have a long shelf life in the annals of art history.
Last time I heard from you,aside from your Christmas card,you were doing things including exhibiting and working in your studio so hopefully if you can pull yourself away from the auna,mint julips, being the center of attention at those rich people partises and other sundrey things you'll catch me up on your doings.
I just recieved a brochure of Vivian Brownes' work being exhibited in 3 separate places in California,and details about the permanent set-up made for her archives,library and relative materials about her life and times.I assume you've recieved this too since Camille has your address,well if you didn't Ill send it to you via the next pony express that is headed west.
The other day I ran into Manual Hughes,and he told me about his inter-contennial life,part time in the USA and the other time,"on the Contimeant Europe,and Paris in particular since he said his woman friend is over there.See Ed Clark,Mel Edwards and a few of the guys we knew,but like old soldiers,most of them have just faded away.Herb Gentry stil at the Chelsa hotel,Emma Amos doing well,that's probably most of the old timers I can think up now.
For some strange reason I'm bring very successiful.
I personally think there are 2 reasons for this,1,I'm the only still around doing the subjects I do,all of you guys have gone out of the sunny climes and left me,who should have gone back to the sun of Georgia or someplace endemic to to my southern nature.,and 2. I'm one of the old artists around with paintings still unsold.I could say there is a third reason and that is my representational works are needed to illustrate the catalogues and brochures for viewers to know what the exhibition is about.
Nene and I are planning t come into your territority,( I'm trying to sound like I'm with it by calling that arae territory,they do describe that part of the country"that wat don't they?"). Thomas and irene are expecting OUR first grandchild in May of this year so we'll mosey on over in yer neck of the woods an see whut yer folks are doing.
When I was don in "hey,Philly",I thought about you and the years you walked those mean streets and talked trash.
Nene just called from the cuck wagon,the vittles or is it grub is on the camp fire and ready to be chowed down so I'm going to close out now.