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in charge of Claim Divisions, was relieved from duty and sent to to his Regiment, thus leaving but Two (2) Officers on duty with me, at these Head Quarters, and One (1) in Delaware, and with the force, thus cut down, a great amount of work has been accomplished.

The condition of affairs among the Freedmen in my District is very flattering indeed, and in a Moral and Educational point of view has anticipated my most sanguine hopes.

Work is very plentiful, and as a general thing, wages are good. Contracts between Freedmen and Planters, are faithfully carried out by both parties, (except in a few instances) The Freedmen are industrious and frugal, and but few are in a dependent state, and most of them are cared for by City & County authorities, leaving but a very few, dependent on the Bureau for aid, in fact, their entire condition, in every respect, shows decided in improvement within the past Three (3) months.

Another source for congratulations, is the change in tone & treatment by a Majority of the Whites on the Eastern Shore (except in a few instances) towards their fellow Citizens of Color, a better understanding seeming to exist, and an evident desire on their part to yield to the position, with more grace and kindness, than heretofore, except equal Justice before the Law. I shall do everything in my power to strengthen this feeling, throughout my District.

No well grounded complaints against Freedmen, for violations of Contracts or Lawless behaviour of any kind, has been received at these Head Quarters and it