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is very evident, that thy feel desirous of doing right, if given the opportunity.  The Temperance movement has commenced well among them, and they seem disposed to sustain the cause, and prosecute the good work, both sexes seem actuated by the desire to do all they can in this important matter, recognizing the great necessity for Temperance and Morality, to fit them properly for their condition, and as a consequence there is no doubt, that it will prove successful; at our first general meeting where there was an attendance of over 3000 of both sexes; over 800 signed the Lincoln Pledge.

Complaint Division

I respectfully submit the following report of operations of the "Complaint Division," under the charge of Bt Col Wm. H. Wiegel, A.A. Genl & Inspr.

No. of Complaints against Claim Agts  35
No. of Complaints Miscellanious  9
No. of Complaints for Illegal Apprenticeship  2
No. of Cases of Illegal Apprenticeship now on the Books  31
No. of Cases of Illegal Apprenticeship Settled  0
No. of Complaints Settled in this Quarter  19
No. of Letters Written  200
No. of Endorsements made  80
Amount of Drafts & Notes received on Complaint  $562.59
Amount of Money Collected on Complaints for Wages, Bounty, &c.  $1017.75
Total  $1580.34