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Office Asst Qr Master
232 G St., Washington
Jan 22, 1866. 

   My friend, Maj. Male, about whom I had the honor of speaking to you this morning, has decided to apply to you for a civil position, deeming it unlikely that any exception would be made in his case to the general rule of mustering out.
   I feel confident in recommending him as extremely reliable; and such an officer as you would have selected for your own staff in the field.
   In case a vacancy should occur, I should esteem it a great favor if Maj. Male could have a opportunity of applying in person, believing be would be his own best recommendation.
I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your obedt servant
C.W. Folsom
Bvt. Maj and AQM

Maj Gen O.O. Howard
Bureau R.F.+A.L.