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Vicksburgh Miss
Oct 5 1867

H. R. Williams
Lt. U.S.A. Asst Inst Gen


I have the honor to make the following report relative to the alegations of Saml. E. Day, Wm. Young, Smith & Bro per De Mott, Jas. D. McBride, etc now on file in your office.

I commenced boarding at Mr Day's sometime in Oct. or Nov. 1866 and remained until sometime in April 1867.

It was generally understood by all parties interested, including J.W. Parker; late Capt 119 "U.S.C.I. and now of the "Pension Office" and with whom I roomed that I was to board and room in the house of said Day; and without any solicitation on my part.

The statement relative to my saying that I had made Sixty Thousand Dollars during the war is false in every particular