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one hundred and fifty dollars in gold; this when the said gold was of much greater value than the United States Treasury. This at Paducah, Kentucky, on or about the 30th day of August, 1861."

Specification 3d——"In this: that Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) did place in arrest Captain Charles A. Holmes, of Company 'C,' 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) and did place a guard over the said Captain Holmes, and did unlawfully and maliciously continue the said Captain Holmes in said arrest for the period of thirty days, and did not furnish the said Holmes with a coy of charges against him, the said Captain Holmes, nor did he, the said Colonel Barry, prefer, or cause to be preferred, charges against him, the said Captain Holmes.  This at Paducah, Kentucky, from on or about the 23d day of November to the 23d day of December, 1864."

Specification 4th——"In this: that Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) did behave himself in the following contemptuous and disrespectful manner toward him command officer, Brigadier General So. Meredith, commanding District of Western Kentucky, by using, in the presence of officers and citizens, the following language, to wit: 'General Meredith is the damnedest liar out of hell,' or words to that effect.  This at Paducah, Kentucky, on or about the 6th day of February, 1865"

Specification 5th——"In this: that Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th Regiment of United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) did behave himself in the following contemptuous and disrespectful manner toward his commanding officer, Brigadier General Sol. Meredith, commanding District of Western Kentucky, by using, in the presence of other persons, the following language, to wit: 'General Meredith is a God-damned old liar,' or words to that effect. This at Paducah, Kentucky, on or about the 8th day of February, 1865."

To which charge and specifications the accused, Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th United States Colored Heavy Artillery, pleaded "Not Guilty."