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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 27th 1866 # 481. * | Adjt. General's Office. J. C. Kelton AAG. File. see L.B. Nov 13 to Genl Ketchum - Circular letter to each Asst. Com'r. | Washington Oct 24" 1866, States that the Sec of War has observed that there are still a large number of offices of Vols (Staff Officers) retained in services and request that the names of Surgeon's & Asst. Surgeons will be presented for muster out of service at as early a day as these services can possibly be dispensed with. |

| Oct. 26th 1866 # 482. * | Adjt. General's Office J.C. Kelton. A.A.G. File. Receipt acknowledged by L.B. Nov 12th 1866. | Washington Oct 24th 1866 Refers memorandum list of officers of the Q.M. Dept. on duty in the Bureau R.F.& A.L. and requests that the Comr. will designate the names of those whose services can be shared. |

| Oct 26th 1866 #483. | Andrews John F. (3 enclos) | Oct 29th Referred to A.C. of Miss for report. Nov 13th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 87. Vol 2. | Yazoo City, Miss. Oct 20th 1866. Encloses correspondence relative to removing freedmen from Ga. to Miss. The demand for labor next year in Miss will be very great, asks if the Bureau will furnish transportation for freedmen's families wishing to emigrate; the planters being unable to pay full fares and the R.R. Co's. refusing to make a deduction. | 

| Oct 29th 1866. #484. Bp 6. Vol2. Oct 29th Rec'd back with report. EB 64 Vol 2. | American Miss. Association. Geo Whipple. Sec. | Washington Sept 25th 1866. States that they are in want of a suitable school building at Pensacola Fla. requests an appropriation of $500.00 for that purpose. | 

| Oct 29th 1866. #485. | Adjt. General's Office. C.W. Foster A.A.G. Oct 30th Referred to A.C. of Va for investigation and report. Nov. 12th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 83 Vol 2. | Washington Oct 26th 1866. Refers letter of William Young late Pri Co "B" 28th U.S.C.T. states that he has been unjustly imprisoned in Richmond Va. and asks for assistance in obtaining his release. | 

| Oct 30th 1866. #486. | Adjt. General's Office. L.H. Pelouze A.A.G. (5 enclo's) | Washington Oct 31st 1866. Refers papers of Vincent Palen Late Chaplain U.S.A. Requesting copy of certain papers in Q.M.G. Office relating to a house in Portsmouth, Va occupied by him and owned by Stephen Cooley. Memorandum of the case as follows. Mr. Palen represents that while serving as Chaplain at Portsmouth Va. in 1865 he occupied by order of Brig Genl Shepley a house belonging to one Stephen Cooley the same being abandoned property states that upon notice being given him by one I. Stubbs brother in-law to Cooley that rent would be demanded of him he made application to Gen'l Mann for protection, who instructed him not to pay rent to said Stubbs but upon vacation of the house to turn the same over to Capt. Low. A.Q.M. for transfer to Freedmen's Bureau. States that these instructions were carried out and that the property has since been restored to the owner who sues him (Palen) for two months rent, which accrued while the property was still in the possession of the Gov't. Asks to be furnished with copy of the instructions issued by Gen'l Mann. The Q.M. Gen'l being applied to states that there is no record in his office relating to this property. General O.L. Mann being called upon for report substantiated the statements of Chaplain Palen. |