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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 21 1866 #208  E.B. p 98 Vol 2 |  Florida  J.G. Foster General  |  Tallahassee  Nov 16 1866  Requests authority to donate the proceeds of the sale of an abandoned building ($150.00) in Madison C.H. Fla to aid in building a school House for the freedmen in that place.  |

| Nov 23 1866 #209  * | Freedmens Aid Commissioner  Rev J.S. Travelli Agt  (1 encl) See P.L.B. Vol 3 Nov 24 1866  Nov 24 Referred to A.C. of Ala. for remarks Dec 14 1866 Recd back with report and file  |  Pittsburg Pa  Nov 21 1866  Reports the destruction by fire of their schoolhouse at Decatur Ala. and desires the assistance of the Bureau in rebuilding it. will cost probably $550.00 or $600.00 &c.   |

| Nov 23 1866 #210 * | Foster R.B. Sec of Bd Trustees Lincoln Institute  SM 467 Vol 8 1866  Filed August 4th 174.WG | Jefferson City Mo  Nov 19 1866  Acknowledges receipt of his application requesting an appropriation of $2,000 for school purposes &c returned to him with favorable endorsements.  States that he will signed the necessary receipts if Genl Thomas will forward the proper form, &c or he will send an Agent to call personally for the money. |

| Nov 23 1866 #211.  Freedmans Aid Comr Thos Kennedy Sec  (1 encl)  Dec 3 Referred to A.C. for Tenn. for remarks.  Dec 22 Recd back with report E.B. p 169 Vol 2 |  Cincinnati O  Nov 21 1866  Encloses copy of losses sustained by the Association during the Riot in Memphis, last May.  Asks if the Comr do anything towards collecting the same through the War Dept.  |

| Nov 22 1866  #212  *| Florida  J.G. Foster General Telegram  file See telegram Nov 22 1866 | Tallahassee  Nov 13 1866  "If I am not to be relieved, I respectfully ask orders to come to Washington to settle Engineer Accounts with the Treasury Dept." |

| Nov 27 1866  #213 * | Fowler Wm  Bt Major and AAG  (1 encl) file  sent to Major Fowler June 15th | Washington Nov 26 1866  Forwards report of his Inspection of Lands in the Southern States |

| Nov 27 1866 #214 * | Florida  J.G. Foster Genl  (1 encl) file | Tallahassee  Nov 20 1866  Encloses copy of the Governor's Message and explains his position and what the Bureau has done &c. |

| Nov 27 1866  #215 | Fowler Wm  B Major and AAG   Dec 1 Referred to Bt Maj J.M. Brown AQM for explanation relative to the case of Benj Ockert and Adolph Myer  Dec 6 Recd back with report E.B. 100 Vol 2 | Washington Nov 26 1866  Submits statement relative to salaries of Adolph Myer, Benj Ockert, and Lamech Duvall, Clerks in claim Division: Myer and Ockert were retained after muster out, and promised the same pay as they receive as soldiers, but the Disb'g  Officer deduct tax making the amount received by them from $2 to $3 less than they received as soldiers.  Duvall desired to be mustered out but was promised if he remained in service extra compensation sufficient to make his pay $100.00 per mo. &c.  Requests that action be taken in the matter. |