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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Nov 27" 1866. #216. * | Florida. J.G. Foster, General. (4 enclos) file. | Tallahassee. Nov 22" 1866. Forwards for information of the Com'r c[[?]] of Capt. T.E. [[?]] S.A.C. enclosing copies of Report on case of [[?]] (col'd) in Columbia [[?]] referred to by Gov. [[?]] in his message and explained in letter of Capt. [[?]] of 21" inst enclosed. |
| Dec 1" 1866. #217. * | Florida. J.G. Foster, General. file. | Tallahassee. Nov 24" 1866. States that the reports required by C[[?]] [[?]] series of 1865 were forwarded [[?]]. |
| Dec 3" 1866. #218. Foster [[?]] B. late Major, U.S.V. | Norfolk, Va. Dec 11" 1866. States that Jane C[[?]] (col'd) left a daughter now 9 years of age with John Parker of Gates C.U.C. She went to get her but Parker demanded $150.00 or he would let the child go. [[?]] that the Agt. for Gates C.U.C. be instructed that child to Suffolk Va. notifying the mother when it will arrive. Dec 13" Referred to [[?]] for investigation and action. E.B. p31[[?]] [[?]]. |
| Dec 3" 1866. #219. * | Freemen U. C[[?]] U. E. Brach. [[?]] E.D. Che[[?]]. See H2221/55[[?]] Vol 5. file. | Boston W[[?]]s. Nov 28" 1866. States having received letter of Nov 23" & expa[[?]] the gratitutde of the Comr. for the p[[?]] investigation of the difficulties at Warrenton, Va. Sep[[?]] [[?]] [[?]]. Pleased with the readiness of the Bureau to do justice. |

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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Dec 3" 1866. #220. * | Foster R.B. (1 enclo) | Jefferson City, Mo. Nov 24" 1866. Acknowledges receipt of letter Nov 17". G[[?]] 3 dates as comm[[?]] of the Institute J[[?]] 14" 1866, J[[?]] 15" 1866 & Sept 17" 1866. School opens last date. Sums it an [[?]] [[?]]. [[?]] to be fully informed of what is necessary to be done to [[?]] assistance from the Bureau. Encloses copy of his application for appointment as Supt. of Schools for Mo. Dec 18" Referred to Gen'l Balloch, [[?]]. Rec'd back. August 3" 1874. W.G.P. |
| Dec 3" 1866. #221. | Freedmen's [[?]] Conv. E.[[?]] Estes, Agt. | New York. Dec 1" 1866. Requests transportation from New York City for 15 Packages to Darlington S.C. 2/8 Ft. W[[?]], Va 5A. [[?]] N.C. 2 to Kendall [[?]] S.C. 2 Petersburg, Va. & [[?]] S.C. Dec 15" Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey, [[?]] approved. |
| Dec 14" 1866. #222. | Florida. J.G. Foster, General. See. P.L.B. Vol 3 Dec 6" 1866. [[?]] | Tallahassee. Nov 27" 1866. Forwards [[?]] from Union [[?]] of K[[?]] Co. Fla. requesting protection from the civil authorities for his information and as an example of the many instances of injustice to the Refugees & Union Men of this state, and his consideration and action is requested. Dec 16" Fwd to Sec of [[?]] for his information & action if he should deem it necessary. Dec 14" Rec'd back with report & referred to [[?]] of Fla for investigation [[?]]. |
| Dec 14" 1866. #223. * | Florida. J.G. Foster, Gen'l. See O 2/2.r F 17' [[?]] Vol 8, r26 233 Vol 5. file. | Tallahassee. Nov 28" 1866. Reports having changed his purpose regarding Chattam [[?]] [[?]] owing to the determination of the legislature not to abolish the law authorized punishment by whipping [[?]] [[?]]. Proposes to [[?]] if for benefit of Freedpeoples. |

Transcription Notes:
"J.G. Foster" appears to be John Gray Foster. Gen'l Whittlesey appears to be Eliphalet Whittlesey, rank Brevet Brigadier General at this time.