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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 25" 1866 #241 * | Kentucky John Ely General Telegram See K 239 & 240 Vol 8. | Louisville Oct 25" 1866 States that Mr Richardson declines please order Mr. Noble at once. file herewith K 239, 240 S 552. Vol 8. Chap Noble assigned S.O. 164" Par 2 Nov 20" 1866 |

| Nov 18" 1866 #242 | Kentucky J.C. Davis Gen'l file | Louisville Nov 5" 1866 Submits Report of operations of the Bureau in Ky since June 15" 1866 |

| Nov 12" 1866 #243 | Kentucky J.C. Davis General (3 enclos) | Louisville Nov 9" 1866 Forwards communication of Wm F. Rice, Agent &c at Nicholasville, enclosing accounts amounting to $10- for expenditures made by him for provisions for freedmen in extreme case of poverty: Gen'l Ely requests that he be authorized to pay the account from the Refugees and Freedmen Fund E.B. p.87 Vol.2 |

| Nov 13" 1866 #244 | Kentucky J.C. Davis General (2 enclos) Louisville Nov 15" 1866 Forwards through the Com'r communication of 1" Lt. W.H. Merrell 42" U.S. Inft. reporting to the Adjt. General of the Army for instructions giving address &c Encloses a certified copy of Certificate of the President of the examining Board. With the request that Lt. Merrell be allowed to remain on duty in this Bureau as his service cannot well be dispensed with at present. Nov 15" Forwarded to Adjt Gen'l of the Army with the request that the Officer may receive a detail continuing him in his service of the Bureau. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #245 | Kentucky John Ely General (1 encl.) | Louisville Nov 9" 1866 Forwards communication of Bt. Col. R.E. Johnson Supt &c enclosing vouchers in favor of Ellen Collins (colored) for boarding and taking care of a colored boy until a suitable home could be found for him in the County. With request that he be authorized to pay the account out of the Refugees and Freedmen Fund. E.B p.89 Vol 2. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #246 * | Kentucky J.C. Davis Gen'l (5 enclos.) | Louisville Ky Nov 10" 1866 Transmits Monthly Reportd for Oct. viz: Report of Changes in Supts. &c Report of Contracts approved. Report of Lands, Report of Schools and Report of Rations issued. file. School report to Mr. Alvord. |

| Nov 15" 1866 #247 * | Kentucky J.C. Davis General file | Louisville Ky Nov 12" 1866 Acknowledges receipt of letter of Nov 4th in reference to sale of property authorized by Section 2 of the Bureau law; and reports no property of that description in the state. |

| Nov 16" 1866 #248 √ | Kentucky J C Davis General (1 enclos) file | Louisville, Ky. Nov 5" 1866 Transmits Report of Operations of the Bureau in Kentucky for the month of Oct 1866 prepared by General John Ely Chief Supt. &c |

Transcription Notes:
3-14-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review