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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 3 1866 #205 * | Loranger P.J.| Monroe Mich Oct 29th 1866 Desires information of the whereabouts of Lt Eli P Alexander Co "H" 26" Mich Infty. File official copy referred to A.C. of No. & So. Carolina for such information as can be obtained forward the same to this office. Nov 27" Rec'd back with report E.B. p.104" Vol 2.|

| Nov 9th 1866 #206 | Louisiana P.H. Sheridan. General (2 encls) See V. 492 Vol 8. | New Orleans Nov 8th 1866 Forwards for information and action coms of Messrs. Van Orman au di Trigant. Special Agents Bureau of Refugees Freedmen au di Abandoned Lands. Stating that the order ifsned by Maj Genl Sheridan Asst Coms for La. appointing them Special Agents of the Bureau is not sufficient to cover their plans Requests that transportation and rations be furnished the freed people in the manner requested by them. Enclosing petition of Merchants of New Orleans. recommending the removal of colored laborers to the Wife Valley: also copy of order. E.B. p.78. Vol 2 Nov 26th Recd back with report E.B. for p 103 Vol2. |

| Nov 9" 1866 #207 | Lyon David. See P.L.B. Sept 20" 1866 See L 183 Vol 8. | New York Nov. 8th 1866 Acknowledges receipt of letter of Sept 20" in reply to his former comn. to the Bureau. Requests further information concerning the Hutchinsons Island property and other land in that vicinity. Nov 10" Referred to Asst. Comr. of S. de. for an early report on previous papers Nov 27" 1866 Rec'd with report E.B. p.105 V2. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #208 | Louisiana F.R. Chase Lt Supt of Ed. To Mr. Alvoid | New Orleans Oct 21" 1866 Submits Report of operations of the Educational Dept. in La for the year. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #209 | Louisiana F.R. Chase 1st Lt. Supt. of Ed. (4 enclos) To Mr Alvord | New Orleans Nov 5" 1866 Forwards School Report for month of Oct 1866 also Financial report from Jan 1" to Sept 30" 1866 and Report of Expenditures and Expended:Loss or Destroyed from Jan 1" to Sept 30" 1866 |

| Nov 13" 1866 #210 | Logan Robert (1 enclos) | Lagrange Ga Nov 8" 1866 States that in Jan'y 1865 he gave his note for $100.00 to save the wife of "Woodman" (a negro owned by him) from being hired to a man who would treat her badly Woodman promising to make up the money; in April 1865 he left $150.00 in Confederate Currency at the house where the note was deposited :- that he is now sued on the note for the hire of Woodman's wife. Asks if he can be protected from paying if the courts decide against him, &c. Nov 13" Referred to Genl Tillson A.C. of Ga for investigation and report Dec 15" Rec'd back with report E.B.144 V.2 |

| Nov 15" 1866 #211 * | Louisiana P H Sheridan General (1 enclos) | New Orleans Nov 3" 1866 Reports the number and condition of the freedpeople in each parish in the state and recommends that assistance be afforded by the United States during the coming winter. file. Copy of Com'g Genl Circular sent Nov 20" 1866 |

| Nov 14" 1866 #212 * | Louisiana J.A. Mower General | New Orleans Nov 8" 1866 Requests to be furnished with Act of Congress relating to the Bureau. file. request completed with Nov 14" 1866 see P.L.B. Vol 2. |

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