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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 27" 1866 #401. | Maryland. R. Chandler. A.A.G. Referred to Mr. Alvord for remarks. Aug. 28". Recd. back. Sept 6." 1866. E.B. page 4 Vol 2. | Baltimore, Md. Aug. 24" 1866. Forwards for instructions comn. of Bt. Maj. J. H. Remington Supt. &c requesting authority to rent buildings at the within named places. |

| Aug 27" 1866 #402 | Mississippi. H. M. Whittlesey. Bt. Brig. Genl. (2 enclos) Referred to Col Ballock for remarks Aug 28" 1866 | Vicksburg. Aug. 17" 1866. Forwards for approval. Vouchers use Goff and Williams. McNutt. Miss. Valley Sentinel $31.50/100 and #45. G. D. Winston, Houston. "Miss. New Record" $30.00/100 for publishing proclamation of Maj. Genl. Wood dated May 4 & 5" 1866. offering rewards for arrest of murderers of Lt. Blanding and for arrest of parties engaged in assaults upon officers of the Bureau. |

| Aug 29" 1866 #403 *. | Mississippi T. J. Wood, General. file. | Vicksburg. Aug 24" 1866. Submits report in relation to the plantations at Davis Bend. as a supplement to his July report from which it was omitted owing to the delay of the Sub. Comr. at that place. |

| Aug 29" 1866 #404 | Missouri. and Ark. J. W. Sprague, General. Forwarded to Sec of War. recommended Aug 29" 1866. | Little Rock Aug 25" 1866. Recommends Lieut and Bt. Capt. Frank P. Gross 20" V.R.C. for a position in the regular Army. |

| Aug 29" 1866 # 405. | Missouri and Ark. J. W. Sprague, General. Forwarded to Sec of War recommended Aug 29" 1866. | Little Rock Aug 25" 1866. Recommends Capt & Bt. Maj. Wm J. Davis V.R.C. for a position in the regular Army. |

| Aug 29" 1866 # 406 E.B. Vol 2 page 2. | Missouri & Ark. J. W. Sprague General. | Little Rock Aug 2 1866. Forwards letter of Capt. John Taylor V.R.C. to Capt. Edward Wallace returned by Capt. Wallace with an impertinent endorsement. States that Capt. Wallace is incline to make trouble and recommends that he be relieved and mustered out of service. |

| Aug 24" 1866. #407. | McBlair J. H. Lieut and A.D.C. Forwarded to Sec of War approved Aug 31" 1866. | Washington. Aug 25" 1866.  Requests that Private Francis O Donohue, Ind. Co. V.R.C. be relieved from duty in this Bureau. also that Pri. John Lynch 1" Ind. Co. V.R.C. be detailed as messenger and that a request for an enlisted man to supply the place of Lynch. |
| Aug 31" 1866. #408 E.B. Vol 2 page 2. | Maryland. F. Fessenden, General | Baltimore Md. Aug 21" 1866. Forwards favorably endorsed application of J. H. Remington V.R.C. & Supt. for an appointment in one of the new regiments of V.R.C. |

| Aug 31" 1866 #409 | Maryland F. Fessenden, General. Forwarded Aug 31" 1866. | Baltimore Md. Aug 28" 1866, Forwards favorably endorsed application of Capt. Gilbert R. Chandler, V.R.C. for an appointment in one of the new regiments of V.R.C. |

| Sept 1" 1866 #410 * | M.N.A. Telegram file. | Ft. Monroe, Sept 1" 1866, Have you presented my letter, "Please telegraph me the results"

Transcription Notes:
corrections, its J W Alvord, per SI do not remove notes entered here