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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 13" 1866. #479. * | Maryland. W. M. Gregory, General. file. Ans'd by P.L.B. Vol 3 Oct 31" 1866. | Baltimore. Oct 12" 1866. States that he has no place for Lt. McClermont. |

| Oct 30" 1866. #480. | Mann J. C. Bt. Major and A.Q.M. See M 444 & A 478 Vol 8. | Northborough Miss. Oct 23" 1866. Desires information concerning his application for permission to return to Wilmington forwarded on the 1" inst. Oct 30" Returned with an official copy of a communication received from A.G. containing the information requested. Mo 524 enclosed herewith to A.G.Q. |

| Nov 1" 1866. #481. | McMurry Margaret J. (1 enclo) S M. 524 & A 583. Vol 8. & G 10. Vol 9 '67. | Marietta Ga. Oct 26" 1866. Complains of injustice of the Bureau Agent towards the Freedpeoples. States that in the distribution of clothing he gave overcoats &c to the Mayor and others of the wealthiest citizens, while numbers of poor white men & freedmen were unprovided for &c. Nov 1" Referred to Genl Tillson, A.G. of Ga for investigation and report. Dec 8" 1866. Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 126 Vol 2. |

| Nov 1" 1866. #482. * | Mississippi. T. J. Wood, Maj. General. file telegram to Gen'l Gregory. Nov 1" 1866. | Vicksburg. Oct 25" 1866. Reports that Capt. Silas May V.R.C. Sub. Com'r &c died on the 23" inst. at Grenada. States that this event leaves but one Bureau officer in that Dist. and requests that another officer be detailed to report to him for duty as he has none to spare to fill this vacancy. |

| Nov 2" 1866. #483 | Missouri & Ark. J. W. Sprague, General. (16 enclos) file. | Little Rock. Oct 18" 1866. Submits Report of operation of the Bureau in his Dist from Nov. 1" 1865 to Sept 30" 1866. |

| Nov 1" 1866. #484 * | Maryland. E. M. Gregory, General. Telegram. file. See S.Q. #160. Nov 2" 1866. | Baltimore, Md. Nov 1" 1866. "Can spare two, Capt Bolemire and Lt. Bailey." |

| Nov 6" 1866. #485. | Moss W. R. D. Bureau Agent. | Cherokee Co. Ga. Nov 1" 1866. Respecting transportation for destitute whites and blacks from Georgia to other parts of the country. &c. Nov 6" Returned. This paper should have been forwarded through the office of the Asst. Com'r. for Ga. |

| Nov 6" 1866. #486. * E.B. p. 75 Vol 2. Dec 27" Rec'd back with report. file, appts made Dec 29" See P.L.B. Vol 3. Dec 29" 1866. | Missouri & Ark.  E.W.C. Ord, General. (2 enclos)| Little Rock. Oct 30" 1866. Encloses copies of S.Q. 90 Par's III and IV appointing Messrs. Joseph L. Thorpe and Anthony E. Habicht Superintendents of the Bureau for the approval of the Com'r. |

| Nov 7" 1866. #487 | Missouri & Ark. E.Q.C. Ord, General. Telegram. See M 489 & T 274 Vol 5. | Detroit Mich Nov 7" 1866. Recommends that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue be asked to instruct his assessors to prohibit the removal of cotton raised on shares until the nearest agent of the Freedmen's Bureau satisfies that security has been given such freedmen as aided in the cultivation that they have been or will be paid. &c. Nov 8". Referred to Com'r of Int. Revenue. |

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