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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 15" 1866. #536. E.B. p. 146 Vol 2. | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. | Vicksburg. Dec 7" 1866. States that until Maps &c of the public lands in the state of Miss. are furnished, nothing under the provisions of the Homestead act can be done for the Refugees & Freedmen, & requests instructions on this subject. |

| Dec 15" 1866. #537. | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. | Vicksburg. Dec 7" 1866. In view of the fact that the cotton crop requires early cultivation, that labor is scarce and transportation is in great demand, and that the Com'r. has declared his willingness to issue it on Gen'l Woods approval: suggests that authority to issue transportation be granted him. |

| Dec 15" 1866 #538 * | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. Telegram. file. Ans'd. by telegram Dec 18" 1866. | Vicksburg. Dec 14" 1866. Proposes to sell the buildings erected on Davis Bend, Miss. by the Gov't. for the benefit of the Bureau. |

| Dec 15" 1866 #539. | Missouri & Ark. E.O.C. Ord, General. Dec 19" Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey. C.Q.M. | Little Rock. Dec 6" 1866. States that his Chief Q.M. under G.O. 65 c.s. Q.M.G.O. declines issuing any stores save such as are therein specified; and suggests that Circular 9" c.s. B.R.F. & A.L. receive the approval of the Q.M.G. |

| Dec 15" 1866. #540. | Missouri and Ark. E.O.C. Ord, General. (3 enclos) See B43 Vol 9. March 26" Referred to Bvt. Maj. F.A. Seeley, C.D.O. St. Louis Mo. in connection with other papers forwarded March 23". | Little Rock. Dec 7" 1866. Forwards request of Mrs. C.A.R. Briggs, teacher, for an appropriation of $150.00 for the use of freedmen's schools at Warrensburg, Mo. |

| Dec 17" 1866 #541. Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. Dec 18" Referred to Gen'l. Whittlesey, C.Q.M. | Vicksburg. Dec 8" 1866. Forwards letter of Mr. J.H.D. Bowman giving his views on the situation & condition of the colored people & many advantages to be gained by giving transportation to them from the poorer to the richer lands in the Miss. Valley. Calls attention of the Commissioner to the same. |

| Dec 20" 1866 #542 * | Manson Geo J. Phonographer. file. Ans'd. P.L.B. Vol 3. Dec 21" 66. | New York. Dec 18" 1866. Offers his services to this Bureau. Has had 6 years experience. |

| Dec 18" 1866 #543 | Miles Mary E. (1 enclo) Dec 21" Referred to Mr. Kimball (thro A.C. of D.C.) Supt of Education. | Washington. Dec 18" 1866. Wishes to know whether a position as clerk accountant or teacher can be obtained for a young lady of Oberlin College who was educated for Missionary work but disable by an accident to her right foot from going to her destination, Africa. |

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