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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 18th 1866. #544. Moore Franklin Rev'd. | West Philadelphia. Dec 17th 1866. Requests that a leave of absence for 20 days be granted to Maj. C.J. Wickersham before he is ordered to duty. Dec 21st Forwarded approved. Jan 3th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 220 Vol 2. |

| Dec 22nd 1866 #545. * | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, Gen'l. | Vicksburg. Dec 15th 1866. Desires to be informed if he can be furnished with teacher for colored schools which he thinks will be started. Dec 24th Referred to J.W. Alond. Rec'd back and filed. Oct 1st/74. W.G.P. |

| Dec 24th 1866. #546 E.B. p.174 Vol 2 | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. See M13 Vol 9 1867. | Vicksburg. Dec 14th 1866. Forwards letter of A.T. Bowie of Franklin Lake La. Offering to lease for a series of years his two plantation in La. upon the same terms & in the same way as he has been by Mr. J.E. Davis and requests that this proposition be made know. With the remark. Recommends that the proposition be made know the to the Asst. Com'r, thinks this a favorable opportunity to secure valuable homes for a large number of freedpeoples. |

| Dec 21st 1866. #547. * | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. "Telegram" file. Ans'd by telegram Dec 21" 1866. | Vicksburg. Dec 20th 1866. "Inquires whether the Army rations cannot be offered to "the Freedmens Hospital." |

| Dec 17th 1866 #548. | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. file. | Vicksburg. Dec 10th 1866. Transmits Monthly report of Rations for the month of November 1866. |

| Dec 13th 1866 #549. * | Missouri & Ark. Capt O.D. Green, A.A.G. See T337 Vol 8. file. | Little Rock. Nov 21" 1866. Forwards copy of letter from Bt. Maj. J.B. Rowles U.S. reporting his investigation of the alleged abduction of negro children by Messrs. Beach & Cheatham. These charges he reports to be true and relates many other cruel and disgraceful actions of these men and their overseers. |

| Dec 17th 1866 #550. | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. file. | Vicksburg. Nov ~ 1877. Transmits report of change in Officers on duty for Nov. 1866. |

| Dec 24th 1866 #551. * | Mississippi. T.J. Wood, General. file. | Vicksburg. Dec 10th 1866. Forwards report of operations of the Bureau in Miss for the month of Nov 1866. |

| Dec 24th 1866 #552 * | McBlair J.H. Lieut & A.D.C. file. | Washington. Dec 24th 1866. Reports in regard to the guard at these Headquarters. There is nothing to which he could call special attention. |