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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 27th 1866. #182. | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, Gen'l. (1 enclos) | Raleigh N.C. Aug 24th 1866. Forwards letter of J.C. Taylor who states that Jesse (freedman) 76 years of age living with Dr. Roberts of Greenville C.N.C. has a wife living with Miss. Sneed in Henderson Ky. Dr. Roberts is about to move from that place, which will leave Jesse destitute. Miss Sneed is desirous of having Jesse become reunited with his wife, and a member of the family. With recommendation that transportation to Henderson Ky. be furnished, he being old blind & likely to become dependent. File in transportation papers of Aug 66. |

| Aug 27th 1866. #183 | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, Gen'l. | Raleigh N.C. Aug 25th 1866. Forwards comn. of Mr. A. Henderson who states that he owns the grounds upon which the Hospital buildings at Salisbury are erected & claims rent from the time of occupation by the U.S. authorities up to the present. Also requests that some agreement be entered into for the future rent. Endorsed by Col. Edie That the grounds & buildings were occupied by the Rebels, with consent of Mr. Henderson thinks that he has no just claims to rent, also endorsed by Gen'l Robinson. That Mr. Henderson has the reputation of having been a bitter rebel. endorsement of Col. Edie is approved. Referred to Maj. Fowler Aug 28th 1866. |

| Aug 31st 1866. #184 | Nye George N. Late Bt. Brig Gen'l. | Lewiston Me. Aug 29th 1866. Applies for a position as teacher for Mrs. Martha B. Howard, formerly of Livermore Me. Referred to Mr. Alvord. Sept 1st 1866. Rec'd back Sept 4th 1866. E.B. page 5 Vol 2. |

| Sept 1st 1866. #185. * | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, General. file. | Raleigh. Aug 31st 1866. Requests that the order mustering out Maj C. A. Cilley A.A.G. may be suspended as it is impossible to get along without him, unless some experienced officer is sent in his place. |

| Sept 3th 1866. #186. * | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, Gen'l. See Q118 Vol 8 1866. file. | Raleigh N.C. Sept 1st 1866. Requests in case officers of the Q.M. Dept. are to be mustered out soon, that capt. Alex Goslin A.Q.M. Vols. be retained until he can be tried by court Martial, he having been placed in arrest under charges of a grave character. |

| Sept 5th 1866. #187. | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, General. | Raleigh. Sept 3rd 1866. States that requisitions are being made from all parts of the state for clothing for infirm and destitute Freedmen. Has no means of supplying this demand. Suggest that he be allowed to purchase material and have it made up by women in the Hospital and Asylum. L.B. Sept 7th 1866. Official copy to Rev. Geo Whipple letter not sent in E.B. page 11th Vol 2. |

| Sept 5th 1866 #188. | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, General. (5 enclos) file. | Raleigh. Sept 3rd 1866. Transmits the following reports for month of Aug 1866 of Refugees & Freedmen, Lands, Schools, and Roster of Officers. |

| Sept 6th #189. * | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, General. file. | Raleigh. Sept 3rd 1866. Reports of operation of the Bureau in N.C. for the month of Aug 66. |

| Sept 8th 1866 190 * | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson, General. Telegram. file. | Raleigh Sept 7th 1866 "Mr. Fiske desires to remain." |