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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 12" 1866 #216| North Carolina. J.V Bomford Col. E.B. p 87 Vol 8. Dec 11" Reci'. back with report E.B. 131. Vol 2. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 11" 1866. Forwards "approved' application of  W.G. Nelson for transportation for 426 Freedpeople from Salisbury N.C. to Panola, Miss. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #217 | North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. Nov 16" Returned approved. The Asst. Com'r will please issue the necessary orders. | Raleigh Nov. 12" 1866. Forwards "approved," application of Bt. Maj H.D. Norton. Asst. Supt. &c for leave of absence for 20 days to visit his family at Boston Mass. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #218 | North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. Nov 16" Forwarded approved. | Raleigh Nov. 12" 66. Forwards "approved" application of Lt. George McComber. Asst. Supt to be mustered out of the service on account of private business. |

| Nov 16" 1866 #219 * File. Ans'd. Nov 22" 1866 L.B. | North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 14" 1866 Forward communication of Bt Brig. General. Allen Rutherford Supt. &c calling attention to the manner in which injustice is done to the freedpeople in their rights over their children. |

| Nov 16" 1866 #220 E. B, p 91 Vol 2.| North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. See N 205 Vol 8. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 15" 1866. States that his Chief Qr. Mr. reports that the estimate of $1023,00, for repairs and additions to Hogan Hospital at Wilmington approved by the Com'r by endorsement of [[Nors?]] on comn. of A. A. Surg  W. E. Day of Oct 3": is insufficient for the work required: and requests that he be allowed to increase the estimate heretofor approved to $1325.00, the lowest figure at which the work can be properly completed. |

| Nov 19" 1866. #221 | North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 16" 1866. Forwards "approved," application of Mr. Geo. W. Moyers applying for transportation for 21 men 4 women and 6 children. Freedpeople whom he had employed to labor Ark. from Holtsburg N.C. to South Bend Ark. Col Edre states that the Mr. Meyers is a trustworthy and responsible man, no improper influence has been used to my knowledge to induce these people to contract with him, and are not liable to become a charge to the Gov't after reaching their destination. |

| Nov 19" 1866. #222 * | North Carolina. J.V. Bomford Col. file. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 16" 1866. In reply to communication of 13" inst, reports that there are two Vol Staff Officers on duty in the in N.C. Bt. Maj Thos. P. Johnson. A.Q.M. Ch. Qr. Mr. &c. and Bt. Lt. M.K. Hogan. Surg in Chief, and their services cannot be dispensed with. |