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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 19th 1866. #223 * | Nikins C.H. (colored) | Washington Nov 19th 1866 Reports brutal treatment of colored people of Cumberland Co. Va. and states that Lt. Busby, Supt, &c. has not a sufficient force to protect the freedmen. Nov 23rd. Referred to A.C. of Va. for investigation and report. Jan 26th Rec'd. back with report. file. | 

| Oct 11th 1866 #244 * | Nichols, C.H. Surg. in charge Insane Asylum. file. | Washington, Oct 9th 1866. Replies to letter of 9th inst from Surgeon Edwards and gives information in regard to the law regulating the admission of patients to the Asylum. | 

| Nov 21st 1866 #225. E.B. p. 95 Vol 2. | Newton G.B. Actg. Com'r. of Agriculture From Sec. of War (5 enclo's) | Washington Oct 31st 1866. Refers letter of Benj Totham in reference to the circumstances of E. Van Lew, and mother. Memoranda as follows from A.G.O. Oct 19th 1866 Mr Benj Totham N.Y in letter to G.B. Newton, Com'r, &c. represents these ladies in straightened circumstances, and in viw of their loyalty throughout the war, and their services to the Gov't, in furnishing in formation & in using their means to relieve Union prisoners, urges that the Gov't render them pecuniary assistance. Mr. Totham states that the services of Miss Van Lew are known to Genl. Grant, Butler & Comstock. Referred to Genl Schofield and returned with report of Brig Genl O. Brown who states that there is no doubt but that Miss Van Lew rendered valuable services and at great personal risk in furnishing information to Genl Grant, & Butler, to whom the value of this service is best known. States that the Van Lew's were notorious for their loyalty during the war, and that their present condition is correctly represented by Mr Totham. | 

| Nov 24th 1866. #226 | Northern Penns. R.R. Ellis Clarke Genl Agent (9 enclos) | Philadelphia Pa Nov 22nd 1866 Encloses duplicate bills for transportation furnished freedmen on the N.P.R.R. together with 6 vouchers amounting to $10.63/00 & requests payment. Nov 26th Referred to Genl. Whittelsey for examination | 

| Nov 28th 1866 #227 | Navy Dept | Washington Nov 27th 1866. Refer an application for the relief of Geo Daniels an old freedmen, made by A.P. Aldrich of Barnwell C.H. S.C. Referred to A.C. for S.C. for remuneration and remarks. Dec 9th Recd back with report. E.B. p. 153 Vol 2. | 

| Dec 1st 1866 #228 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col | Raleigh, N.C. Nov 29" 1866 Forwards "approved" request of Genl Rutherford for transportation for May Marshall (col'd.) and (8) eight children. Dec 3rd Returned to A.C. of N.C. for statement of six of the children of 12 yrs of age & over. Dec 13th 1866 Rec'd back with report & referred to Genl. Whittelsey, C.Q.M. |

| Dec 4th 1866 229 * | North Carolina J.V. Bomford, Col. | Raleigh Dec 1" 1866. Refers for the decision of the Commissioner the question that under laws of the state, children under 21 years of age can be apprenticed, which Circular #1 Hd. Qrs. A.C. of N.C. it is directed that "children under 14 years should not be apprenticed" Dec 6th Returned to Asst. Comr of N.C. for copy of circular within referred to Dec 15 Rcd back with report. file. See letter Dec 19th 1866 | 

| Dec 4th 1866 #230 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col (1 enclo) | Raleigh Dec 1st 1866 Forwards letter of Lt. B. Aldrich transmiting tranptn for Rachel Stewart (cold) from Raleigh N.C. to Petersburg Va with request that a new order be issued or Col Stubbs be authorized to alter the order now in his possession. Dec 5th Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey. The within request is approved. |