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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 13" 1866 #240 * | North Caolina J.V. Bomford Col (1 enclo) See L.B. Nov 21" 1866 file | Raleigh Dec 11" 1866 Returns letter of instruction from Gen'l Sam'l Thomas regard to an Inspection of Duplin Co. N.C. with report of same enclosed from Capt Chester | 

| Dec 19" 1866 #241 E.B. p 155 Vol 2 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford General See U.1. Vol.9. | Raleigh Dec 17" 1866 Forwards resignation of Justice Hodge Agt. approved by Gen'l Rutherford, & requests authority to appoint another Agent in his place. |

| Dec 20" 1866 #242 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. Dec 20" Forwarded approved. | Raleigh Dec 18" 1866 Forwards "approved" application of Lieut Geo W. Tipton, V.R.C. to be mustered out of service, on account of ill health of his family. |

| Dec 19" 1866 #242 1/2 * | North Carolina State of Johnathan Worth Gov. (2 enclo's) file | Washington Dec 18" 1866 Offers some observations on the order of Genl Robinson A.C. of N.C. on the binding out of colored children, and encloses his own communication on this subject to the Genl. |

| Dec 22" 1866 #243 * | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. file | Raleigh Dec 18" 1866 Reports of the operations of the Bureau in S.C. for the month of November 1866. | 

| Dec 26" 1866 #244 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. (1 enclos) Dec 27" Returned with the information that since the within order was issued Maj Mann has been mustered out of the service. | Raleigh Dec 21 1866 Encloses copy of order directing Bt. Major J.C. Mann A.Q.M. to report for duty, and requests that he be ordered to do so without delay as his services are urgently needed |

| Dec 26" 1866 #245 | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. Dec 27" Returned approved. The Asst. Comr of N.C. will please cause the necessary order to be issued. | Raleigh N.C. Dec 24" 1866 Forwards approved application of Lt. P.E. Murphy for a leave of absence of 20 days to visit Boston, Mass. | 

| Dec 31" 1866 # 246 * | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col See N 206 & G 305 Vol 8 & H 179 Vol 6 & H 7 Vol 9 1867. file Official copies referred to Mr. Garrett for his information | Raleigh N.C. Dec 28" 1866 Forwards letter of R.F. Hunter giving an explanation in the matter of indebtness, said to exist on his part to Mr. Garrett |  

| Dec 31" 1866 # 247 * | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. See C 364 Vol 1 & N 9 Vol 9 '67. file herewith C. 364 Vol 8 | Raleigh Dec 26" 1866 Forwards Memorial of colored citizens in behalf of Rob't. Davis now under sentence of death at Greensboro N.C. |