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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 15th 1866 #137. | Rensseler & Saratoga R.R. H.C. Lockwood. Treasurer,  Dec 15th Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey C.Q.M. | Troy N.Y. Dec 15th 1866 Forwards accounts and orders for transportation and requests payment of same. |

| Dec 17th 1866 #138. | Rutage A.E. Mrs. Teacher of Freedmen (1 enclo) Dec 18th Referred to Asst. Comr. of A.C. for investigation & report. Jan 11th Rec'd back with report E.B. p 211 V 2 | Falls Church Va. Dec 12th 1866 States that she and her daughter have taught a school (asst by the Friends of Phila) in that place since last Jan'y. details repeated insults she has received from the Bureau Supt. & requests the interference of Gen Howard. The name of the Supt is O.E. Hines | 

| Dec 21st 1866 #139. | Ramsey A. Hon. E.B. p 171 Vol 2 Dec 31st Rec'd back with report E.B. p 191 Vol 2 | Washington Dec 20th 1866 Requests that Lieut. James S Drysdale be transferred from Kentucky to Maryland |

| #140 * | Robinett Hiram. file Taken on trial for 1 month. enclosures returned to Mr. R. in person | Washington Dec 10th 1866. Applies for a clerkship in the Bureau |