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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 25th 1866. #485. | South Carolina R.K. Scott General  Forwarded Sept 18th 1866 | Charleston Sept 21st 1866  Forwards letter of Wm. Stone Major &c. inquires at the request of a brother of John Bronson (cold) Co "A" 114 Regt. Ky. Vols whether that organization has been mustered out, if so what record the Co. rolls contained of this soldier, was last heard from on July 12th 1866, then at Brownsville Texas |

| Sept 26th 1866. #486. | Sewell John B.  See P.L.B. Vol 3 Sept 27th 1866.  Referred to Asst Comr of S.C. Sept 27th 1866. Oct 31st Rec'd back with report E.B. p 64 Vol 2 | Gov't Farm St. Mary's Co. Md  Sept 24th 1866. Requests payment of his bill for labor performed: Asks that arrangements be made to pay him through Capt Gates |

| Sept 28th 1866. #487. | South Carolina  R.K. Scott. General. (2 enclos) | Charleston Sept 24th 1866. Transmits Roster of Officers and Civilian for the month of July 1866. | 

| Sept 28th 1866. #488. * | South Carolina. R.K. Scott. General. | Charleston  Sept 20th 1866  Submits report on Freemen's affairs for the month of Augt. 1866. |

| Sept 28th 1866. #489. | Subsistence Office. A.B. Eaton. Genl. See S. 452. Vol 8 1866. E.B. Vol 2 p 34 | Washington. Sept 23rd 1866  Refers comn of Bt. Brig Genl W.W. Burns enclosing an estimate of Genl. R.K. Scott Asst Comr of S.C. The issue to be made to Freedmen working under contract. For examination and his opinion as to whether, under the decision of the Sec of War heretofore made & the fact that the stores called for cannot now be issued before the 1st Oct. (when it is understood issues to Refugees &c. with certain exceptions are to cease.) stores called for issue to freedmen working under contract can be furnished. |

| Sept 29th 1866 #490 | Sweeney Henry. Capt. and Supt &c. Returned to Capt. Sweeney, to be forwarded through the office of A.C. of Ma. Oct 1st 1866. | Helena Ark. Sept 20th 1866. Desires information whether contracts made in other states, on which the Agent writes the name of the freedmen, and they do not put their marks, are legal and binding on the freedmen. Requests the decision of the Comr, Genl. Sprague being absent. |

| Sept 28th 1866. #491 | Smyth, A.G. Dr. see S 536. Vol 8. Returned to Dr Smyth. the name of these freedpeople, and their present place of residence should be furnished this office. Jan 7th Rec'd back with report E.B. page 200 Vol 2. | Corona Miss. Sept 20th 1866.  Requests transportation for 20 or 25 negroes from the northwestern part of South Carolina to Miss. They having been sent there at their own request in 1862, during the "Reign of Terror" in Miss. |

| Sept. 29th 1866. #492 * | Salter Edwin. (1 enclo) filed. Ans. P.L.B. Vol 3 Oct 2nd 1866. | Washington Sept 29th 1866. States that two months ago he presented a note to the Com'r from Gov'r Newell of N.J. in regard to an application for a position in the Bureau. Has been employed in the Ordnance Office, and was discharged "without fault" &c Letter of Gov. Newell enclosed. |

| Oct 4. 1866  493 | Stone Richard | Catlett's Station Va  Oct 4. 1866  States that the church in which Col. Hecker had his Hd. Qrs. was destroyed by Soldiers after Gen. Howard left that neighborhood, and requests pecuniary assistance to build a new church. |

| Sept 20 1866 #494 * | Sewall F D  Inspector General file. | Washington DC  Sept 17th Inspection report of Kentucky and Texas. |