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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 15th 1866. # 546. * | South Carolina. R. K. Scott, General | Charleston Nov. 8th 1866. Forwards letter of Capt Geo. E. Pingree, Supt &c. submits cases of outrages committed on Freed people in his Dist. by Wm. Cade & M. L. Oliver. | 

| Nov 14 1866 #547 E.B. p. 85 Vol 2 | Smith Lucy A Wife (1 enclo) Nov 27 Rec'd back with report E.B. p. 108 Vol 8 | Laconia N.H. Nov 12 1866 States that Dr. Albert A. Chase died recently while hold the position of Surgeon at Fair Grounds Hospital Raleigh N.C. his watch and other valubles are in possession of a nurse of the Hospital named Annie Day.  States that she was engaged to the Dr. and requests that the articles mentioned be sent to her. |

| Nov 14 1866 #548 E.B. p90 vol 2 | Swift F.B. Atty &c. | New York Nov 13 1866 Requests the address of Col Louis J. Lambert formerly on duty in the Bureau in Georgia. |

| Nov 15 1866 #549 * | Stannard M. Mrs (1 enclo) file with 469 vol 8 Ans'd L.B. Nov 24 & transpt furnished | Baltimore Nov 14 1866 States that her property has been levied upon and advertised to be sold.  Also requests transportation for the freedpeople from Columbus, Ga to Guinea Station, Caroline Co. Va. |

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| Nov 16 1866 #550 * | South Carolina R.K. Scott General file | Charleston Nov 14 1866 In obedience to com'n of the 9th inst, reports that there are no officers of the V.R.C. on duty in his Dist. who can be spared for assignment elsewhere. |

| Nov 17 1866 #551 | Selvridge G.W. Supt B.R.F. & A.L. Winfield Co. Ga (1 enclo) Nov 20 Referred to Asst Com'r of Ga for report return these papers. Dec 20 Rec'd back with report E.B. p172 Vol 2 | Dalton Ga. Nov 13 1866 States that owing to the failure of crops, business is prostrated and no work for the laboring classes to be had, and that unless Gov't extends aid hundreds of the destitute citizens must die from hunger.  Encloses statement of Judges D.A. Walker and Jas Milner. | 

| Nov 19 1866 #552 * | South Carolina R.K. Scott General filed with K 241 Vol 8 see S.O. 169 Par 2 | Charleston Nov 16 1866 Reports that Chaplain Noble 128 U.S.C.T. can be spared from Beaufort as his duties can be performed by a teacher. |

| Nov 19 1866 #553 * | South Carolina R.K. Scott General file | Charleston Nov 15 1866 Reports that only two Officers of the Vol. Staff are on duty in his command, & that their services are absolutely indispensable. |

| Nov. 19 1866 #554 E.B. p99 Vol 2 | South Carolina R.K. Scott General | Charleston Nov 15 1866 Forwards for the information of the Com'r letter of Mrs Tomlinson who called on Mr Grinkle, Sec of [[freed?]] schools, and infers that the col'd people can expect no assistance from Legislatures, asks for an appropriation of $12,000 to build a school building in Charleston & $3,000 to build one at Columbia. |