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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 19th 1866 #614 * | South Carolina R. K. Scott, Gen'l See S 586 Vol 8, S 12 Vol 9 '67 file | Charleston Dec 15th 1866 Forwards communication of Capt A. S. Hawkins in relation to the rest at Rennettville S.C. |

| Dec 19th 1866 #615 * | South Carolina R. K. Scott General (2 enclos) file. | Charleston Dec 17th 1866 Transmits Monthly report of Refugees, Freedmen and Lands for the month of November 1866. |

| Dec 19th 1866 #616. * | South Carolina R. K. Scott General (3 enclos) file. | Charleston Dec 13th 1866 Submit copies of letters to the Acct. Comm from Gov. Orr, and the reply of the Acct Comm thereto. file |

| Dec 31st 1866 #617. | South Carolina R. K. Scott Gen'l. See A 9 Vol 9 '67 also A 3, 165, 175 B P 46 S 35, 38, 55, 132 Vol 9 also see E.B. p 327 Vol 3 Jany 2nd 67. Forwarded with the request that Lt. J. S. Powers V.R.C. be relieved from duty in this Bureau | Charleston Dec 28th 1866 Forwards petition of R. Small et al, that Lieut J. S. Power, Bureau officer at Banfort, S.C. be relieved, With the request that a good and competent officer may be sent to relieve Lt. Power. | 

| Dec 31st 1866 #618. * | South Dept. of J. C. Robinson Gen'l. (1 enclos) file. | Charleston Dec 28th 1866. Forwards letter of Col Robt Avery, Insptor of Bureau for A.C. in reference to whipping of negroes by order of civil courts to disqualify them as voters should they be enfranchised. |

| Dec 28th 1866 # 619  * | Subsistance Dept of, A .B. Eaton Gen'l. file Right furnished Dec 28th See P.L.B Vol 3 1866. | Washington Dec 26" 1866 Requests information as to total number of returns issued to Refugees & Freedmen, seperately, in each state from June 1865 to present date. |

| Dec 18th 1866 #620 * | Seeley F. A. Bt. Maj & A.Q.M file. | New Berne N.C. Dec 15th 1866 Wishes to be reassigned to duty for a short time and will then be ready to resign. |

Transcription Notes:
2 [[?]] left, so not all done - filled in 3/18 - all done, please review per SI do not remove notes entered here